
Courses I taught.

University of Minnesota

CSCI 5619 - Virtual Reality and 3D Interaction
Fall 2023: Guest Lecturer

I delivered a guest lecture on cybersickness in virtual reality (VR), exploring the underlying theories behind its causes and sharing essential guidelines for creating VR environments that minimize or eliminate the risk of inducing VR sickness.

CSCI 5619 - Virtual Reality and 3D Interaction
Fall 2022: Guest Lecturer

I gave a guest lecture on the applications of eye movement tracking in virtual reality, and the current challenges that need to be solved in the sub-field.

University of Nevada, Reno

CS 486/684: Virtual Reality
Spring 2021: Co-Lecturer

This is a combined undergraduate/graduate level class that introduces students to the field of Virtual Reality. Topics covered in this class include the geometry of virtual words and 3D modeling; graphic rendering of virtual worlds; physiology and perception of vision and hearing; tracking systems and interaction design. In this course, I prepared and taught lectures, advised students, and prepared and graded exams. Classes I taught include tracking systems and VR application development with Unity.

Some Slides from my Lectures
CS 486/684: Virtual Reality
Spring 2020: Teaching Assistant and Guest Lecturer

In spring 2020, I was a teaching assistant and guest lecturer for the same class mentioned above.

NSF Gains Scholars: Mobile App Development
Summer 2021: Instructor

The NSF gains scholars program engages selected incoming Ph.D. students in two three week summer preparatory camps. As part of the program students are taught how to develop apps for citizen science research projects. I was the instructor for the app development module and taught students how to develop multi platform apps.


Information and Communication Technology
Fall 2008- Spring 2009: Instructor

As part of my community service I taught as an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) teacher in Dekemhare Comprehensive Secondary School, Eritrea. This allowed me to introduce about 480, grade 10, students to computing, most of whom were interacting with computers for their first time.